Historically, in order to claim Child Benefit, parents have been required to complete and post a paper form, however, a new online form has been introduced by HMRC. A paper form can still be used, where required or preferred.

When the claim was completed on paper, parents could wait as long as 16 weeks for their first payment of Child Benefit. HMRC have noted that the new online process will take around 10 minutes to complete, with the first payment being made in as little as 3 days.

As before, Child Benefit can be backdated by up to 3 months. HMRC encourage parents with children over 3 months old, who have yet to claim, to do so as soon as possible. In certain circumstances, such as, adopted children, whilst claims can still be made online, some supporting additional information may be required to be sent via post.

The online form can be accessed at GOV.UK website through searching “Claim Child Benefit online”. A Government Gateway account is required when making a claim for Child Benefit online. HMRC have uploaded a helpful video on their web page to assist individuals in navigating through the online claim process. HMRC also note all information required to complete it.

It is important to note that where yours or your partner’s income is over £50,000, you will be liable to repay an element/all Child Benefit received. This should be done via a self-assessment tax return. It is an individual’s responsibility to identify whether there is repayment of Child Benefit due, and thus registration for self-assessment, is required ahead of the annual deadline of 31st January.

If you require any assistance or advice relating to this, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your usual contact or email hello@drummondlaurie.co.uk.