This funding has been allocated to local authorities and they all seem to have different approaches and timescales for this grant. Some close as early as next week and some may already be closed to new applications.
You can get the link to your own local authority website and find out more here Find Business Support
Are you one of the businesses that currently has been unable to access any financial support from the government?
Perhaps this one-off discretionary grant will be applicable to your business….
The fund will support small or micro businesses (50 employees or lower) facing financial challenges and hardship as a direct result of restrictions put in place due to COVID19. Specifically, this will be aimed at businesses who have not been able to access any other Government funding support since October 2020.
A one-off grant of £2,000 per business will be available for eligible businesses.
The following categories of businesses can apply:
- Limited Company (including Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations and social enterprises)
- Sole Traders
- Trusts
- Partnerships
- Community Interest Companies
- Freelancers / subcontractors
- Self-employed not benefiting from Self-employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) or Newly Self-employed Hardship Fund (NSEHF)
To be eligible businesses must:
- Have less than 50 employees
- Be operating from premises but not registered for Non-Domestic Rates or are home based. For example, small and micro businesses in shared commercial space providing in-person services who do not have their own business rates assessment (e.g., yards, workshops, business centres)
- Not be legally required to close but that have experienced restricted trading or demonstrable supply-chain challenges (over 50% trade affected by COVID-19 restrictions)
Businesses which are NOT eligible for the fund include
- Any business which has received a grant through the Strategic Framework Business Fund (Closure/Restriction Fund).
- Taxi, private hire and coach operators, Mobile Close Contact Services, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Visitor Attractions, Wedding and Events venues and accommodation providers. Separate funding was announced for these businesses by the Scottish Government on 9th December 2020 and is expected to be made available in January and February 2021.
- Self-employed individuals who have already received more than £750 per month as part of the SEISS scheme. Support for the self-employed continues to be available through the UK Government’s Self-employed Income Support Scheme.
- Individuals who became self-employed after April 2020 – the Scottish Government has announced a second round of funding through the Newly Self-employed Hardship Fund in January 2021.
Closing dates for applications varies dependant on your local authority therefore we would advise you give this your immediate attention.
The application is straight forward to complete and we would encourage all businesses that meet the eligibility criteria above to apply.
Please refer to your local authority website for the application form.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact your usual Drummond Laurie contact.