Drummond Laurie Chartered Accountants

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The Drummond Laurie team played very well on Tuesday to beat 20 other teams to win the much sought after “President’s Cup” at the annual Charity Golf Competition run by The Rotary Club of Falkirk at Glenbervie Golf Club.

The Team consisting of Alastair Herbert, Lewis Falconer, Ian Croall and Gordon Matheson were presented with the trophy along with a bottle of malt whisky and a packet of golf balls each, by Rotary Club President elect Margaret Lyon.

The event, in its eleventh year, raised in excess of £5,000 which will, along with other Club fundraising proceeds contribute towards the Club’s many charitable enterprises such as the Schools Eco awareness Competition in conjunction with Falkirk Council, Young musician of the year, Primary Schools Quiz, Rotary Youth Leadership awards (an Outwards Bounds Course), Challenge Enterprise (a Business training weekend for gifted young people), the Community Achievement Award in Conjunction with the Falkirk Herald and Phoenix Honda, A birthday parcel delivered to a single elderly person every week, Annual Charities day in Falkirk High Street, and tending to the Flower tubs at Grahamston and Falkirk High Stations. In addition the Club donates annually to many local Charities.

Internationally contributions are made to Water Aid, Jaipur Limb, Sight Savers and Shelterbox on a regular basis and they continue to lend their support to the “End Polio Now” campaign that envisages the total eradication of Polio Worldwide by 2020.