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If your answer is yes, it’s probably a good time to start looking at how you’re going to meet your pension duties. If your answer is no it will be with you by May 2015 and so it is worthwhile reading the information below and getting in touch with us soon.



This letter, asks you to “ACT NOW – you have new legal duties” and is being sent in addition to the 12 month letter to raise employer awareness and ensure they know their correct staging date. (This is the deadline by which you’ll need to start enrolling workers into your fully compliant scheme). In addition it will ask employers to provide contact details so that they can provide you with regular reminders and updates as your individual staging date approaches.

Do you know what you need to do and when, in order to meet your duties? Leaving it until the last minute could make the process more complex and costly.

Over 5 million workers have now been automatically enrolled into a pension scheme and while it’s automatic for workers, it’s not automatic for employers who need to plan and prepare for the steps they need to take in order to comply with the law and avoid a possible financial penalty.

Talk to accountants in FalkirkDon’t panic but do get in touch with us.  We are here to help you set up an action plan for your auto enrolment process and guide you through the complexities ahead.

For more information please call Gillian Niven on 01324 441280 or email