Over the years, Drummond Laurie has celebrated its birthday with some of our amazing clients. On Tuesday, we had some time away from the office and celebrated our 9th birthday at Kingsfield Golf & Leisure.

We all enjoyed a fantastic afternoon full of a variety of activities. The driving range was a favourite for many of our keen golfers, demonstrating their skills from years of practice. For the more novice golfers, using the digital putting green was an easier option. As well as this, combining two sports which most in the office are passionate about was football darts; the bullseye didn’t see much action though! Additionally, we had the opportunity to partake in clay pigeon shooting which was a new experience for most of the team but one that we really enjoyed.

Thankfully the weather was kind to us, and the rain held off, which meant we all enjoyed a BBQ after our activities which was a good opportunity to catch-up with one another. It was great to be together as a team.

Thank you to Kingsfield Golf & Leisure for a wonderful day out!