Drummond Laurie Chartered AccountantsCalendar-July-6The deadline for 2016/17 P11ds is fast approaching, with forms P11d and P11d(b) to be submitted to HMRC by 6th July 2017 where expenses or benefits were provided to any company director or employee in the tax year 2016/17 (covering the period from 6th April 2016 to 5th April 2017) which were not covered by an exemption or otherwise exempt from tax.


There is a penalty of £100 per 50 employees for each month or part month a P11d(b) is late.

As mentioned in a previous blog, the typical benefits which are reported include;

  • Private medical insurance
  • Company cars and fuel
  • Use of company vans
  • Employee loans

Please contact our P11d co-ordinator Barry Evans for more information.  Barry can be contacted by phone on 01324 441288 or by email barry.evans@drummondlaurie.co.uk